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The democratization of Generative AI (GenAI) is transforming medical education and healthcare, paving the way for equitable Learning Health Systems (LHS).

Healthcare is far from equitable; many individuals around the world do not receive the standard of care they need. One main reason is the lack of medical professional resources, particularly in low-income regions. Artificial intelligence (AI) based on machine learning (ML) offers potential solutions to bridge this gap and transform healthcare into equitable LHS. The most promising breakthrough is generative AI (GenAI), exemplified by ChatGPT-4, which became readily available to the public in 2023. It has become clear to us that GenAI has the intrinsic power to democratize healthcare AI, breaking down the barriers to high standards of care and thus realizing equitable healthcare (see our JHMHP review paper).    


Democratizing Generative AI in Healthcare to Help Achieve Global Health Equity